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Hanover Primary School

Special Educational Needs

We aim to meet the needs of all children including those with special or additional needs. We follow the government’s Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice: 0 to 25 Years.

All the teachers at Hanover Primary School are teachers of children with Special Educational Needs and disabilities (SEND).  As such Hanover adopts an inclusive and ‘whole school approach’ to SEND that involves all staff adhering to a model of good practice based on a Quality First Teaching model. The staff of the school are committed to identifying and providing for the needs of all children in a wholly inclusive environment.

A child who has a specific or additional need will, after discussion with parents, be placed on our SEND Overview and may be given a Pupil Passport or SEND Support Plan in which targets are set and reviewed each term in consultation with the class teacher, Inclusion Manager, parents and child (if appropriate). We have a variety of intervention programmes to support children’s learning and these are carried out by teachers and/or teaching assistants with small groups of children or with individuals.

The school is aware that some children who are more able in ability or have specific talents also need help to fulfill their full potential. Work is carefully differentiated throughout the school to support children at all levels of ability and need.

Our senior members of staff with responsibility for Inclusion and SEND at Hanover Primary School are Lorna Ponambalum and Paul Beeton.  Please contact Lorna/Paul by emailing: Inclusion@hanover.islington.sch.uk 

SEND at Hanover

Policies and Reports

Inclusion and SEND School Information Report 2024

Inclusion and SEND Policy 2022-2024

SEND Code of Practice January 2015

Accessibility Plan 2022-2025

Example Support Plans and Information

Example Pupil Passport

Example EHC Plan

EHCP Annual Review Information Leaflet

SEND Advice and Support

Stages of typical language development

Misunderstood – Supporting Children with SLC Needs

List of useful iPad Apps to support a range of needs

Apps to support SLC